filling up my cup

in march and april of 2022, i completed a photography project titled “pouring from an empty cup”. it explored mental health and burnout while completing a full university course load, working a job, and everything else someone has to do in life. the first image below was the final image in that project.

shortly after that semester ended, i went on a week long trip to vancouver island in an effort to mentally reset, relax, and get away from responsibilities. i made the decision to photograph the trip on film (fujifilm superia 400) with the intent to follow up on “pouring from an empty cup”.

“filling up my cup” centers around the idea that travel and just getting away from the space you call home is meant to rejuvenate ones mind and body after expending all your energy in normal, everyday, life. the project is a chronological journey from calgary to vancouver island as i attempted to fill that cup. below are the selected images for this project.